Never forget...that Islamist extremists believe just as strongly in their god as you do yours, they were unfortunately more willing to prove it than the Christian nutjobs who kill abortion doctors, or who spent millions lobbying against gay marriage, against gays in the military. Never forget religion is the single most destructive force known to man. And don't give me that "charity" bullshit, any decent human being who is collecting tax free dollars praising a mythical ghost-jew should be feeding the homeless, as well as the jobless. Some of you even quote idiots like Joel Osteen, who is a liar and thief, so do not forget that it was RELIGION once more that killed innocent Americans, some of whom I am sure were atheists and felt nothing but pure fury as they realized their lives were coming to an end at the hands of uneducated fundamentalists. Never forget Islam subjugates women to near slavery. Never forget Christianity promotes an all-loving God that loves you enough to send you to hell if you don't believe in him even when the "proof" is an errant pile of literary garbage (the Holy Bible) either.
The New Testament is just bad as the old one so stop acting like your Christ is any better than the pedophile Muhammad, kids still die from cancer needlessly and starve all over the world. Your loving God sure is powerless when it comes to people dying in the most horrific manner possible, yet you have the audacity to thank him when something goes YOUR way while people's lives as well as families were annihilated thanks to the a slightly different version of the same almighty being from a different book instructed his followers to do so.
Once more, religion is the single greatest cause of bloodshed and mania in human history. Stop contributing to it, keep your delusions and cast your judgements aside. I'm only judging your critical thinking skills and daring you to not fear death or nothingness, you won't know of either when you pass on.
Lets imagine,
ReplyDeleteSuddenly, irrefutable and undeniable evidence is presented that gives proof that there is no god (alien creators too have been ruled out). Evidence to the point that god, buddha, muhammad, whoever; came down and was like "nah, just playing". Then what?
Well, first off, millions of people would kill themselves almost instantly. People who seriously believe their life was only worth living because of their faith (see Kirk Cameron). People that genuinely thought some divine intervention gave their life new meaning to kick a drug habit, or alcohol abuse, or stopped them from continuing whatever negative aspect of their life had them at absolute rock bottom. Not saying this would be a total loss, but it would still have to be counted towards the total loss of life caused by religion. Has any good been achieved?
Now, after the initial shock of mass suicide on a global scale has worn off, every single church on the planet has to disband. Hundreds of millions of lawsuits will inevitably be filed (to no avail due to bankruptcy protection), creating a log jam of red tape and legal proceedings like the world has never seen. People would seek restitution for being victimized in the biggest scam in the history of man kind. Current atheists with "I told you so" mentalities would file lawsuits for long dead relatives who wasted years of their lives in service of a church, and countless amounts of money in donations for what they thought were humanitarian services (kind of like children of smokers, without the stoma). Again, not a dime would be paid out, so when push comes to shove, what was the point?
Okay, so the churches are gone, Vatican City sits empty and in ruins, and Jerusalem becomes just another place to get a good pastrami. Years have gone by without a muttering of religious dogma in even the 'holiest' of places on the planet. You'd like to think that people that hated each other for believing in a different creator suddenly just get along with one another, but there's no way in hell (pun intended). Human nature will kick in, no doubt about it. A lot of people avoid "sin" for fear of some eternal damnation they may have to endure. Remove that from the equation and then what do you have? And yes I'm referring to the traditional christian ideals on sin, (islamic ideals on sins are bizarre as hell in my opinion). Best case scenario, only hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are killed, raped, maimed, etc. simply because they figure YOLO.
Ok, so the people who were normal religious folks that go to work, and support their families, and pay bills and taxes, and attended church on whatever their respective holy day was, are enjoying an extra few hours of free time and money they find themselves having. The religious fanatics and extremists and jihadists(sp) however, are pissed (well the ones that aren't in jail or dead yet). Now what do they do? They've spent their entire lives focused on one thing, total and unrelenting devotion to their religious beliefs. They're not just going to say "hey, wanna go bowling?", they're going to want good old fashioned revenge. They've been embarrassed, disgraced, and made out to be the most gullible people on the planet. All they're going to do is change their focus, or just randomly kill people to make a point (the media will call it a political statement I'm sure)....
ReplyDeleteI can't even continue to type because the situational probabilities for this scenario are literally flooding my Mountain Dew soaked brain. The whole point I guess would be that moderation is key. Normal people like the thought that if they listen to the bible (figuratively, not literally), and are good people, and don't bang their neighbor's wife, that they'll be rewarded with heaven. Again, normal people. Not the people that think AIDS was gods way of killing off the gays, or that blowing themselves up gets them 72 virgins (of the opposite sex I'm guessing, see previous AIDS comment), or the guy who believes god wants him to get us to donate our money to him cause his wife needs more jewelry. Normal people who find solace in their faith in an omnipotent, all seeing, all knowing, wish granting being that started this planet with 1 man and 1 woman (and a SHIT TON OF INCEST), who had an illegitimate black son that rode a dinosaur. And whats so bad about that?
Oh, and fuck that 4500 character limit!!