Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never forget that Muhammad is an asshole

Never forget...that Islamist extremists believe just as strongly in their god as you do yours, they were unfortunately more willing to prove it than the Christian nutjobs who kill abortion doctors, or who spent millions lobbying against gay marriage, against gays in the military. Never forget religion is the single most destructive force known to man. And don't give me that "charity" bullshit, any decent human being who is collecting tax free dollars praising a mythical ghost-jew should be feeding the homeless, as well as the jobless. Some of you even quote idiots like Joel Osteen, who is a liar and thief, so do not forget that it was RELIGION once more that killed innocent Americans, some of whom I am sure were atheists and felt nothing but pure fury as they realized their lives were coming to an end at the hands of uneducated fundamentalists. Never forget Islam subjugates women to near slavery. Never forget Christianity promotes an all-loving God that loves you enough to send you to hell if you don't believe in him even when the "proof" is an errant pile of literary garbage (the Holy Bible) either.

The New Testament is just bad as the old one so stop acting like your Christ is any better than the pedophile Muhammad, kids still die from cancer needlessly and starve all over the world. Your loving God sure is powerless when it comes to people dying in the most horrific manner possible, yet you have the audacity to thank him when something goes YOUR way while people's lives as well as families were annihilated thanks to the a slightly different version of the same almighty being from a different book instructed his followers to do so.

Once more, religion is the single greatest cause of bloodshed and mania in human history. Stop contributing to it, keep your delusions and cast your judgements aside. I'm only judging your critical thinking skills and daring you to not fear death or nothingness, you won't know of either when you pass on.