First and foremost, congratulations to the LGBTQ community in this landmark victory. It is not the final battle, but it is an important win in a tumultuous era of bigotry and intense political lobbying.
Let me start off with the ever-so-awful Mike Huckabee. Here are his pre-SCOTUS decision remarks on the matter of same-sex marriage (the law of the land now you uppity bitch!):
"For a lot of believers, the question comes, do we have civil
disobedience, or do we have Biblical disobedience? For many of us, civil
disobedience—when we believe that the civil government has acted
outside of nature, and nature's god, outside of the bounds of the law,
outside of the bounds of the Constitution—we believe that it's the right
and the moral thing to do. Now I understand that's a very controversial
thing to say. But Todd, what if no one had acted in disobedience to the
Dred Scott decision of 1857? What if the entire country had capitulated
to judicial tyranny and we just said that because the Supreme Court
said in 1857 said that a black person wasn’t fully human—suppose we had
accepted that, suppose Abraham Lincoln, our president, had accepted
that, would that have been the right course of action? And I don't know
of anyone, I mean seriously, I don't know of anyone who believes that
the Supreme Court made the right decision in Dred Scott." - Mike Huckabee, June 2016
Yes, he went there. To slavery. To Dred Scott, which has part of it's opinion on the decision reading as such:
"It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, sojourn there as long as they pleased, to go where they pleased ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."
I actually am familiar with the case, and this was one in a slew where even the phrase "Separate but Equal" (Plessy v. Ferguson) were common.
Shuddering yet? Now, this is one of the main contentions I have with the average Christian. And no, I don't find Huckabee to be an exceptional one, he's rather awful and pious in his devotion. The propensity to resort to other awful periods of American history to try to draw a parallel where one clearly does not exist. It's a common practice, deflection.
Now, onto the dissent of the average Christian. I know, you've all heard it by now but let's just have it in print here. This is crazy-ass Leviticus (the Book of) and his bat shit rationalization condemning same sex "relations".
"Leviticus 18:21 -22"- "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through [the fire] to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I [am] the LORD. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination."
Molech (Moloch) worship was actually a relatively insane, child sacrifice by fire practice in African tribal practices, as well as used by the Caananites, and Phoeinicians. So ok, no burning kids. How thoughtful of you there, Levi. Now the other half of this verse is the basis, whether they know it or not for the Christian outrage and counter-argument. Jesus Christ himself never mentions anything regarding homosexuality. This is the old Testament where presumably God is just yelling shit from the sky and hoping the one literate guy is taking dictation and take it well. God's secretaries were not allowed room for error. Oh wait, that free will thing would allow for it. Aww, fuck it.
Now, what the hell is the specific need for concern here? The logical fallacies, the simplistic and obvious to ones are likely related to procreation, piety and purity.
At the end of the day, same-sex marriage is now the law of the land. The whines, cries, and wails of the evangelical community, the average dissenter and the vehemently venomous will all wain into history no different than those who opposed de-segregation in schools in the South.
I want to thank all of my friends, readers and family who are on the right side of history. And I want to an extend an olive branch of diplomacy, tolerance and agreement to those who are, or were on the wrong side of it. There is no line in the sand to stand across any longer. We're now all on the same beach, and if you still have quarrel with that then your faith, as I always say, is a toxic one and no one has any good reason other than to justify hate to cling to this principle of it. Let the tide take you then. Progress does not look backward to see whom was left behind. But it travels at a pace that allows you to join it at your will, should you rescind your former biased and cherry-picked from the Bible feelings on this LAW you had.