Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Amazing Racists, coincidentally, also Conservative

I came across this amazing racist blog that ties the African-American urban community's struggle with violence as somehow to atheism. Yes, I can recall all the wailing family members shouting "oh Satan, why?!" and "Life has no meaning anyhow!" at crime scenes as family members are held back by police officers and tape amidst the flashes of sirens and the sight of blood stained pavement.

"And the more they love Obama and reject Christianity – in the black inner cities – the more murderous is the neighborhood"

Yes, this person actually said that.

My reply went something like this,

"Yes, all the Baptist Churches in the Englewood neighborhood here in Chicago are atheist covens, as well as all the Christian burials for the slain sons and daughters of economic oppression. We have a Jewish mayor, you know. If you rode through these areas you'd see there ARE NO JOBS, NO PLACES TO WORK, a broken transit system and an overall societal view that black people are lesser than we white folks.

I am going to post this, and expose you and I hope that you're flooded with black, white, latino Christians as well as the growing number of atheists out there to let you know you are a blatant racist, probably toiling in a haze of Rush Limbaugh soundbites in your heavily-armed fortress to keep out Obama's Gun Collection Agency. You are a blind, racist bigot using an errant pile of Iron Age literary garbage (Holy Bible) as a shield to protect you from those you are FORBIDDEN TO JUDGE ACCORDING TO THE SAME BOOK."

Scott Duke
(because Hajduk would be too hard to pronounce or read, I'm sure)

Other gems from this post include assertions like "Atheism is a rejection of any type of spiritual life in favor of only a material existence. Atheists are the ultimate materialists and they tout this, that we must live only for today and to heck with tomorrow. That is why atheism thrives in the world’s socialistic cities, which are the global home of unfettered materialism – jewelry, clothes, expensive cars, sumptuous residences, luxurious living, love of money etc. Atheist materialists are perpetually obsessed with more “things” and having more fun and pleasure."
I'm sorry but, if you even at a quick glance observe the super-rich of the Conservative, say, the Koch Bros. for instance, would they not be the absolute most gluttonous, materialistic scum of the Earth? That question is of course easily answered with a resounding "Yes.", just by their assumption that their wealth was so vast and powerful they could buy a campaign with Grover Norquist at the helm. But to further my counter-point I point you to another interesting fact about these uber-wealthy domineering maniacs, below.

"His collection of maritime memorabilia includes model ships, antique nautical instruments, and paintings of ships and seascapes.[7] A 2005 show at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston featured his various collections, including both the America³ and the ship it defeated, Il Moro di Venezia, displayed on the front lawn. (Koch had bought Il Moro after the competition.) The show was also criticized, however, for glamorizing Koch at the expense of the museum's educational function. Koch had helped finance the show, including paying the cost to move the boats from Rhode Island.[15] He previously owned the former French Class America F1 - IACC F1 renamed later USA-2.

The boats were in Rhode Island because Koch had placed them with a small maritime museum there. Despite the considerable expense of building them, he said "they have absolutely no value" once their racing life is over.[16] Koch, a native of Wichita, Kansas, donated the ship he used in qualifying for the America's Cup races, The Jayhawk, to the Wichita Boathouse. He also supplied money for the city to use in repairing the yacht.[17]

On June 26, 2011, he purchased a 130-year-old photo of the legendary outlaw Billy the Kid for the amount of $2.1 million at a Denver auction. It is currently the only authenticated photo of the outlaw known to exist.[18]

At his Colorado ranch, Koch has a collection of military vehicles, including a M42 Duster antiaircraft gun."

Are any of you Conservatives reading wonder why you're ostensibly racist, bible-and-gun clinging hate-mongering, anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-science Fundamentalists? I find it strange that this collage of the rich and the "pulled up by the boot-straps" party has among it such insane writers. At the bottom of the blog there is a request for donation as well as a hope to making the blog the "#1 Conservative Blog" in the sphere.

Now, if this is just a very edgy staff member at The Onion toiling in ghost blogging as a Conservative racist demon then I will just ask that you read it objectively without judgement and again, assume safely this is a widespread mentality. Still reading out there, Oregon Paramilitary?